
How to visit Oslo's museums for free this weekend

Frazer Norwell
Frazer Norwell - [email protected]
How to visit Oslo's museums for free this weekend
Residents will be able to visit some of Oslo's most loved museums for free on Sunday. Pictured is the Munch museum. Photo by Eirik Skarstein on Unsplash

Residents of Oslo can enjoy free entry to many of the city's most popular museums on Sunday, November 12th, as part of the "tourist in your own city" pass.


Oslo's residents will be able to download passes that allow free entry into museums like the Munch Museum, Kon-Tiki Museum, Fram Museum, Norway's Resistance Museum, Vigeland Museum, Oslo Reptile Park, and the Natural History Museum. 

"This is a unique opportunity to visit attractions you walk past every day but haven't taken the time to stop by," Visit Oslo, which is collaborating with museums and public transport firm Ruter on the initiative, said. 

"We want you, who live in the city, to become a good ambassador for the capital and a knowledgeable host for both family and guests from home and abroad," it added. 

To gain entry for free, visitors will need to download a pass, which is available online

In addition to free entry into some of Oslo's most loved museums, the pass will allow holders to travel for free on Ruter's public transport within Zone 1 (which covers all of Oslo). 

The pass requires an email address, name and an Oslo postcode. The passes are then sent with a QR by email. 


Those hoping to gain entry to museums can order up to six passes, and children under four do not need their own pass. 

There will be a limited number of passes available, and some museums only have limited free spots available and will need to book in advance. Not all museums are part of the scheme either. For example, the National Museum isn't participating.  

A full overview of the museum's participating is available in English on the website of Visit Oslo

Passes are valid from 9am on Sunday and expire just before midnight Monday. 



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