
Today in Norway For Members

Today in Norway: A roundup of the latest news on Thursday

Frazer Norwell
Frazer Norwell - [email protected]
Today in Norway: A roundup of the latest news on Thursday
Find out what's going on in Norway with The Local's short roundup of important news. Pictured is Jakob IngebrigtsenPhoto by Anne-Christine Poujoulat / AFP

Ingebrigtsen wins record sixth European title, wage talks for nurses break down, and the deadline for revised national budget approaches. This, and other news from Norway.


Jakob Ingebrigtsen takes gold in the 1,500 metre

Norwegian track star Jakob Ingebrigtsen put on a dominant display at the European Championships on Wednesday evening.

He took home gold with a championship record time of 3:31:95. The 23-year-old will head into the Olympics as one of the clear favourites for gold.

His victory made him the most successful European male runners ever. Mo Farah, of Great Britain, and Harald Schmid, of West Germany, also have six medals—but their tallies include five golds and one silver.

"I am definitely satisfied with this championship. I might have had too many races going into this but now I have got also another good answer," said Ingebrigtsen.

Norway makes mortar donations to Ukraine

Norway will donate 480 million kroner's worth of mortars and ammunition, Minister of Defence Bjørn Arild Gram has announced.

"Ukraine's need for firepower is extensive and urgent. After dialogue with the Armed Forces, we have assessed what we can further donate from the Armed Forces' warehouses, which can be quickly sent to Ukraine. We have now donated mortar ammunition worth approximately 480 million kroner," he said.

Norway has also recently donated hand grenades and sniper ammunition to Ukraine.

Deal on nurses' wages to go to mediation

A wage deal for nurses will go to mediation in August after initial talks between the union representing nurses and the employer organisation broke down on Wednesday.


"The Norwegian Nurses' Association, this year, put forward demands for improvements to the right to pay during illness and a salary level in line with what other employers have accepted. NHO's (the employer organisation)  member companies were not willing to meet us on these demands in today's negotiations," Lill Sverresdatter Larsen of the Norwegian Nurses Association said.

Deadline for revised national budget approaching

The two parties that form Norway's minority coalition, the Labour Party and the Centre Party, are running out of time to agree on a revised national budget with the Socialist Left Party before the fiscal plan is to be presented to parliament on Friday.

The Socialist Left Party wants to see child benefits increased, taxes on energy and CO2 for gas and oil firms, and more money to combat domestic abuse.

If the parties miss this Friday's deadline, they will try to pass the proposal through parliament on June 21st.



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