
Which parts of Norway are most dependent on foreign workers?

Frazer Norwell
Frazer Norwell - [email protected]
Which parts of Norway are most dependent on foreign workers?
These are the parts of the country where foreign workers make up the largest share of the labour force. Pictured is Oslo's skyline. Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash.

The number of foreign workers in Norway has risen sharply since 2003, and some counties rely more on labour from abroad than others, an analysis by the national stats agency Statistics Norway released on Thursday revealed.


Between 2003 and 2020, the proportion of foreign workers in Norway has quadrupled from two percent to eight percent, figures from Statistics Norway have revealed.

When immigrants from the other Nordic countries are included, this figure rises to ten percent. The statistics cover those who commute to Norway from another country to work, have been granted a work permit, or have listed employment as the reason for moving to the country.

The county of Viken, the country’s most populous, was also the part of Norway which was most reliant on foreign workers, according to the analysis of the statistics.

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In Viken, 9.9 percent of all workers are immigrant workers. Rogaland was the country with the second-highest proportion of foreign labour.

The county which was the third most dependent on workers from abroad was Møre og Romsdal.

In Oslo, 9.3 percent of all workers were classed as foreign labour. Adger, Inland and Trøndelag were the regions that had the lowest proportion of foreigners participating in the local labour markets. All the counties had a higher proportion of male to female foreign workers.

Construction, business services, and accommodation and catering were the sectors with the highest share of foreign workers compared to locals. Viken, which had the highest proportion of foreign workers, was also the part of the country which the most permits granted for house construction last year.

The most common nationality among foreign commuters and migrant workers was Polish. The second and third most common nationalities were Lithuanians and Swedes.



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