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Have your say: What are the biggest culture shocks for foreigners in Norway?

Frazer Norwell
Frazer Norwell - [email protected]
Have your say: What are the biggest culture shocks for foreigners in Norway?
Tell us about the culture shocks you've experienced while living in Norway. Pictured is a Norwegian woman in a traditional national costume. Photo by Nick Night on Unsplash

Wonderful, confusing, frustrating or just plain bizarre: Certain aspects of life in Norway take some getting used to. We’d like you to share some of the biggest culture shocks you’ve experienced in our survey.


Adapting to a new country is always a challenge. But some things can really catch newcomers by surprise. Norway is no different, making culture shock a shared experience among people who visit and move to the country.

Please take a few moments to fill out the survey below. We may use your answers in a future article on The Local.





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