
Today in Norway For Members

Today in Norway: A roundup of the latest news on Thursday

Frazer Norwell
Frazer Norwell - [email protected]
Today in Norway: A roundup of the latest news on Thursday
Find out what's going on in Norway with The Local's short roundup of important news. Pictured is the Oslo Opera house. Photo by Charly Nguyen on Unsplash

Large increase in public sector workers since local authority merger, government to cut back on state funerals, and other news from Norway.


State sector has grown under the local authority merger

There are more than 7,000 more workers in the municipal sector following the merging of local authorities across Norway eight years ago. The figures were obtained by P4 News.

 The merging of municipalities and counties in Norway began in 2016 under the previous right-wing coalition led by the Conservative Party. When the mergers began, staff were promised that no one would lose their jobs.

"So, there is probably a bump in the number. And they may have hired new people with other types of subjects," Solberg said.

"It is important to make sure that you reduce the number and operate well, but in a way that means that you use the money in the municipality on the provision of services," she added.

Norway's government to hold Pride reception

The government will hold a Pride reception on Thursday ahead of this weekend's parade in Oslo, the country's largest Pride event.

Cultural and Equality Minister Lubna Jeffrey will host the reception before she attends an event at Pride Park.

Strike in the IT sector

Workers represented by the EL og IT Forbundet have begun a strike after there was a breakdown in mediation talks overnight.

Some 319 workers have been taken out on strike after the national mediator was informed during overtime talks that an agreement would not be possible.


The IT workers work in customer service, installation, the operation and maintenance of electronics and IT equipment, and other areas.

The government will cut back on state funerals.

Norway's government will no longer offer state funerals for important figures in public life, with such services now only available to sitting cabinet members, royals, Supreme Court justices, and ex-prime ministers.

A similar arrangement has also been made for current members of parliament and former parliamentary leaders.

"The changes will make it more predictable in which cases we will offer it. Until now, it has been a discretionary assessment. Then it has been difficult to handle it predictably and fairly," Culture Minister Lubna Jaffery said.



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